Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you think eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and foundation everyday is too much?

why or why not?Do you think eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and foundation everyday is too much?
Depends on how much you put on.

Can look great if you are wearing the right colors - just more natural %26amp; softer for daytime.Do you think eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and foundation everyday is too much?
I don't wear make up everyday but when i do I usually wear eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and foundation gloss. The colors i use are very natural looking so it doesn't look like i'm wear a cake on my face.
i think it matters how much u put in.
Yes, well then again depends on where you work or spend most of your time. Most of that can be harsh on your skin and clog your pores. If you must wear this make up everyday invest in a really good face cleaning regimine. However, if you are looking for a clean but brightening look play up the eyes or the mouth, not both at the same time. Using dark colors on both eyes and lips can look harsh during the day. Hopes this helps.

a bit. maybe you can skip the eyeshadow on some days.
Me, i just use foundation (of course), mascara, and eyeliner. thats it. I think the blush and eyeshadow is more of a dramatic effect for going out somewhere. thats just my opinion. I use the eyeshadow and more stuff mostly on the weekends, not to work or just to wal-mart.
it kind of depends how much of it you wear, like if your only wearing light foundation with a little blush etc. that's alright, but if your wearing bulk amounts of everything you should probably ease up a tad.

#1 Ewww....u like McCain(he has cancer)

#2 Its fine but u might breakout and that wouldnt cover it

#3 OBAMA 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It really depends on who you ask and how old that person is .

I don't think it's too much :)
Not necessarily...It depends on the colors and intensity.

Nice neutrals are fine for every day, or subtle colors.
I think it depends how you use it.. for example you could use all of those and look like a hooker if for example your wearing : thick black eyeliner, blue shimmery eyeshadow, cakey foundation, and major blush

but if your wearing a nice brown of soft black liner with a natural tone of eyeshadow %26amp; sheer foundation with a tad bit of blush on your cheeks, people wont even be able to tell you're wearing makeup.

so in the end, it's just how you wear it

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