Friday, December 4, 2009

I need eyeshadow ideas for an everyday look!?

I've been using pink, blue, purple, brown and white eyeshadow. I've been using them on their own and it's getting pretty boring. Have you got any ideas that i can do that looks exciting and not boring or dull.

Would appreciate pictures.I need eyeshadow ideas for an everyday look!?
i like using a dark blue eyeshadow from the inner corner of your eye to the middle of your eyelid. then take a golden yellow color and fill in the rest. blend in the two colors where they meet in the middle.I need eyeshadow ideas for an everyday look!?
Look at your skin color and compare to one of these...

i am not sure of the answer to your question, but I have to tell you that you have an absolutly beautiful baby :) :)
you have a beautiful baby :)
check out missChievous or JulieG713 on Youtube

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